If I could skip the step of having to hook up my camera to my laptop and waiting for what seems like forever for the pictures to load, then I might actually be able to keep up with this daily. A slow computer is annoying.
It's winter, in Saskatchewan, and that explains why I haven't beent taking pictures everyday.
Here are some of the photos that I have taken over the last 2ish weeks.
Day 46 - Feb 15
I received some flowers and a spa gift certificate for valentines from all the boys .. here are the flowers
Day 48 - Feb 17
Hey kid, where do you think you're going?
Benjamin has found a new hiding spot.
Day 49 - Feb 18
The boy know's what he likes.
Day 51 - Feb 20
Back in October 2004 I joined a playgroup that the Saskatoon Health Region offered. It was a 10(ish) week program, There was about 10 mom's in the group and we would just get together 1x week at the Public Health office to chat, weigh our kids .. etc... it wasn't no Early Years Center, but back then I had no idea what that even was!
After the group was finished we all kept getting together almost weekly until many of the mom's had to go back to work, and then we still managed evening get togethers. In the end (that would be I had to move to Ontario) there were 4 of us that remained great friends and continued our get togethers on our own. I kept in contact with all of them while living in Acton, but the other 3 never seemed to be able to connect to meet up without me. Now that I am back we have gotten together a few times now. We've gone from a group of 4 moms and 4 kids to a group of 4 moms and 10 kids! (3 kid's are missing from this picture)
The original 4
Day 53 - Feb 22
He wanted to go to school like this.
Day 55 - Feb 24
I was back to the cake decorating last night. What a joke. This cake looks like crap.
I wasn't paying attention when I was carrying it. The cake layers slipped apart and the chocolate icing mixed in with my white layer .. then when the time came to decorate it in class I really had no desire and that's why it looks like crap. But, it was good.
Day 57 - Feb 26
William likes to have oatmeal every.fricken.morning. Well, this morning he walked away from his bowl because "I need to get my big hammer". Benjamin was fast and noticed the bowl being within his reach.
mmm, he found it to be pretty good.
William came back, and FREAKED out.
snot followed
I sat back. laughed. and took pictures.
There, I'm all caught up. For Now.